On May 19th, REWE International hosted an event for students of the SCM Network focussing on the logistics of the corporation operating thousands of retail outlets throughout Austria and Europe.
Isabella Handler, from Project Management Logistics gave an introduction to some strategic aspects of logistics at REWE and introduced a case concerning network planning. She could share experiences from different projects and give insights on the criteria based on which a company like REWE decides to build a new central warehouse.
Following this, Paola Rauch discussed her department, Logistics Services Purchasing. She also presented a real-life example of logistics tendering with regards to a logistics solution for BIPA’s webshop. Finally, Bogdan Bradila, the Head of Logistics Bundling International introduced REWE’s logistics bundling platform based on which efficiencies can be achieved for such a large corporation.
Overall, students could get interesting insights into a retailer’s supply chain to better understand an industry we have daily interactions with. The SCM network is grateful to Isabella, Paola and Bogdan for hosting the event as well as SCM alumnus Patrick Lang for helping organise it. Unfortunately, the event had to still take place online, but in near future we will hopefully be able to visit the warehouse in Wiener Neudorf to gain an even deeper understanding.